Category - Personal Growth

Habits — Tactics for Starting New Habits
September 25th, 2020
This is the third article in my series on habits. There are many tactics we can use to increase the chances of successfully forming new habits, and there are also pitfalls we need to avoid.
Habits — Creating Habits That Stick
September 20th, 2020
This is the second article in a series on habits. We discuss how we can increase the chances of creating a successful habit that lasts by optimising each of the components of habits.
Habits — Introduction and Understanding
July 26th, 2020
We all have habits, they form a huge part of our daily lives. But we all know the struggle of getting into a new habit that we want, and also the difficulty of getting rid of bad habits. This is the first article on a series about habits, how to create good ones and rid ourselves of bad ones.
Conquering Fears
July 22nd, 2020
Everyone has fears. There are many fears that can hold you back from your full potential. Here we discuss how we can overcome our fears by calmly approaching them and getting used to them.
Appreciating the Small Things
May 20th, 2020
Life is full of tragedies and all sorts of negativity. So, how do we properly distract ourselves from it all?
Not Setting Goals
May 11th, 2020
Setting goals is a standard tool of the improvement toolkit. However, they have downsides — so here's the alternative.
The Virus is an Opportunity
May 8th, 2020
In light of the current virus situation, we’re all spending way more time at home. Here's some things we try with our new found time.
Getting Out of a Rut
March 29th, 2020
Sometimes we slip into periods in our lives where we’re not productive, we eat more unhealthy foods, we don’t get enough exercise, and we stop taking good care of ourselves. Here's some advice for getting out of such a lull.
The Comfort Zone
March 13th, 2020
Knowing your comfort zone and pushing the boundaries of it is a key pathway to personal growth. Here's how to understand it and why you should leave your comfort zone more often.
Preventing Interpersonal Conflict
March 3rd, 2020
How do you deal with conflict? It's uncomfortable and frustrating. Here's some things to keep in mind which can help you keep your cool.
Overcoming Negative Thinking
March 1st, 2020
Negative thoughts can come in many forms. We can use gratitude as a tool to help ward off negative emotions and to improve self-esteem.
Tracking Your Time
February 28th, 2020
At the end of a day, have you ever thought “Where did that day go?” Tracking your time helps identify your time-sinks, so that you find more time each day.
The Trial Period
February 27th, 2020
We all know of free 30-day trials to online services. How about we apply this idea to habit building?
Strengths and Weaknesses
February 26th, 2020
We all have strengths and weaknesses. Why are we always told to play to our strengths rather than work on our weaknesses?
Abundance Mindset vs Scarcity Mindset
February 24th, 2020
A short introduction to the abundance and scarcity mindsets.
Attachment to Outcomes
February 23rd, 2020
Attachment is the cause of all unhappiness and anxiety. If we take time to understand it, we can make changes to be less affected by the tragedies of life.
Be a Role Model
February 20th, 2020
We all look up to those who are successful in our eyes. What would happen if you lived as if you were a role model?
Chasing Dreams
February 19th, 2020
We all have dreams and aspirations, but few ever reach them. What can we do to make progress?
Enjoying the Process
February 17th, 2020
Have you ever struggled to stick to a new habit or new years resolution? If you can learn to enjoy the process, you can make it ten times easier.
Read a Book Every Week
February 15th, 2020
Almost all highly-successful people in the world read books regularly. It's crucial to improving as a person, so why aren't you reading more?
Limiting Beliefs
February 12th, 2020
Beliefs about yourself and the world are the perspective with which you make decisions. What if we could change these subconscious beliefs to encourage a better life?
Why Grow Consciously?
February 9th, 2020
Conscious growth is a challenge, and it may seem contrary to the principle of self-acceptance. This article tries to explain how the two can coexist.
Improving Self-Discipline
February 8th, 2020
How self-discipline affects you and your ability to make progress in life; how to understand it; and how to improve it.
Realising Your Values
February 7th, 2020
An article on listing and understanding your values as a person, why they are important, and what you should do with knowledge of them.